Design. Eye candy. Protection.

School of
St. Johann

Architecturally challenging, three – dimensional shaped sun protection.

About the project

Architecturally challenging, three-dimensionally shaped sun protection that further continues in its form in the balcony railing located underneath. With an undulation specially designed for this project, the creative thoughts of the architect were implemented with a perforated and polished stainless steel sheet. The vertically installed sun protection panels together with the balcony railing produce a harmonic shape and were secured on a special subconstruction.

Material: Stainless steel perforated sheet Rv 5-10mm
Surface: Polished
Developer: Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H.
Architects: Wiesflecker Architekten | Innsbruck

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3 + 13 =

Binder Parametric Metal GmbH

Münchener Strasse 45
85123 Karlskron-Brautlach

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