Legal interests


Binder Parametric Metal GmbH
Münchener Str. 45
D-85123 Karlskron-Brautlach

T: +49 8450 9269 400
F: +49 8450 9269 401

Ingolstadt District Court
Commercial register: HRB 5512
VAT: DE 319 692 472
Managing director: Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Franz Binder

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Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. Company logos shown are registered trademarks of the companies concerned.

All rights reserved. The design, texts, images and programming of the website are protected by copyright. All contents of this website may not be used or exploited in any form without the express consent of Binder Parametric Metal GmbH, not even in extracts.

Contact us


14 + 4 =

Binder Parametric Metal GmbH

Münchener Strasse 45
85123 Karlskron-Brautlach

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