Hillyland Wide

Hillyland Wide

Hillyland Wide a wide variant of a gentle hilly landscape BT-3D 220 Hillyland Wide   An effective gentle 3D metal sheet. This pattern exposes an ongoing and varying interplay between shape, colour and light, based on its descreet kind of materiality and surface...


Polygon this Voronoi pattern is an eye-catcher BT-3D 300 Polygon   Laminary slopes and bottoms are framed again and again by multi-angled polygons – distinctly and visibly crisp through the embossing with hard lines and radii. This model is especially suitable...
Punchy Polygon

Punchy Polygon

Punchy Polygon focus on hammer strokes from a forging process BT-3D 310 Punchy Polygon    Using Punchy Polygons your 3D metal sheet facade looks like an irregular hammered surface. Shows rounded edges soft rolling areas. This parametric designed model exhibits a...
Rolling Squares

Rolling Squares

Rolling Squares the moving quad BT-3D 410 Rolling Squares The regular arrangement of irregular and seemingly moving squarish imprints has pep and drive. This pattern can certainly be styled as solid or perforated metal sheet.Whether as stainless steel surface,...


Unfolded precise folding BT-3D 710 Unfolded   Concise folds and a clear symmetry appear attractive and tidy. Then light creates bright and shadowy areas and makes the pattern move dressy. The dark anodized variants show a simple classiness and accantuate the...

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