Opaque. Airy.

Car Park

3D design facade. Classy metal look.

About the project

Here, a facade that looks closed from the outside was created which has a very high degree of transparency. The design, seemingly opaque from the outside, easily allows you to look from the inside to the outside. At the same time, the ingenious facade allows the necessary ventilation. A gold-coloured anodised aluminium perforated sheet and an undulation running horizontally allows a concept to be realised that it both optically attractive and multifunctional. The horizontal facade elements were canted longitudinally and mounted so as not to be visible.

Material: Aluminium perforated sheet Rv 4-6mm
Surface: Elox, gold coloured
Developer: Wissenschaftspark Kiel GmbH

Binder PM 3D metal facade car park ARC Kiel
Binder PM 3D metal facade car park ARC Kiel

Contact us


2 + 4 =

Binder Parametric Metal GmbH

Münchener Strasse 45
85123 Karlskron-Brautlach

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