Infinite diversity


Parametric design is a process based on algorithmic thinking that enables the expression of parameters and rules that, together, define, encode and clarify the relationship between design intent and design response.


Form variety through parameters

Due to the generation of geometry through mathematical algorithms mixed with parametric development, we are able to create many variations in a short time. This allows us to fulfil the customer’s wishes as accurately as possible.

Creativity and combinatorics

The combination of creativity and know-how in parametric development enables a variety of different 3D panel solutions. They all contain essential functional parameters, such as a flowing design from panel to panel.

Cubes 3D wall cladding

Contact us


5 + 15 =

Binder Parametric Metal GmbH

Münchener Strasse 45
85123 Karlskron-Brautlach

Newest Visualizations

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